
Universally, leaders face the challenge of engaging, aligning, and inspiring their people through organisational change. Delivered virtually and in-person, Universal Change Leadership is a unique change management programme with a specific focus on developing leaders’ change mindset and behaviours.

Throughout the programme, participants enhance essential leadership emotional intelligence skills and explore practical change management models to build their confidence and capability in leading people through change. The programme is built around ChangingPoint’s Universal Change Leadership model, providing a whole-picture perspective of what it means so be a successful change leader.

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Organisational Change & Development

Organisational change comes in many different shapes and forms, depending on your company’s strategic objectives, and can be a complex and challenging time for leaders. By creating a people-first approach and developing the behaviours and mindsets of those at the top, your organisational leaders can help to ensure a smooth and successful transition without being held up by common issues, such as: resistance to change, ineffective communication, silo working, lack of leadership alignment and poor change management follow-through.

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Types of Organisational Change

  • Cultural Change: Shifting the values, norms, and beliefs that guide the behaviour of employees within your company.
  • Strategic Change: Altering the overall direction or focus of the organisation, such as entering a new market or introducing new products or services.
  • Structural Change: Modifying the way that the organisation is structured, for example by changing the way departments are arranged or the way work is divided among your employees.
  • Process & Policy Change: Introducing new systems, processes, or policies that change the way you operate and work.
  • Technological Change: Adopting new technologies, such as software systems or new types of technical equipment.
  • Merger or Acquisition: Combining two or more organisations, which can bring about significant changes in terms of structure, processes, and culture.
  • Downsizing: Reducing the size of the organisation, which may result in layoffs, restructuring, or the closure of certain branches or operations.
  • Unplanned Change: Responding to unexpected problems or events with a reactive change solution

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Creating Confident Leaders

We are experienced in equipping leaders with the skills they need to effectively navigate people through all sorts of complex change management situations. The Universal Change Leadership programme develops leaders to confidently:

  • Articulate the ‘why’ behind change, winning hearts and minds towards the change purpose
  • Align and collaborate with leaders across the business to achieve transformational change
  • Recognise and respond to deeper psychological reasons for change acceptance or resistance
  • Role model the values and behaviours that underpin a successful change culture
  • Build trust through effective open and honest communication throughout change
  • Challenge the status quo and spot opportunities for cross-functional innovation
  • Demonstrate resilience and an ability to navigate others through change challenges
  • Maintain change momentum through effective people management and development

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Developing a Change Mindset

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Developing a Change Mindset

Help to drive innovation, increase competitiveness, and foster a culture of continuous learning and evolution within the organisation.

The ChangingPoint approach to developing a change mindset uniquely blends practical change management models with the latest research in leadership emotional intelligence. Behavioural science research consistently highlights emotional intelligence as a primary driver of leadership effectiveness. Top-performing leaders demonstrate a combined understanding of change priorities with an appreciation of the wide range of emotional responses change can elicit. We work closely with leaders to enhance their self-awareness and understanding of others, whilst exploring real-time opportunities to put their change leadership learning into action.

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Stimulating Behavioural Change

Stimulating behavioural change that sticks happens over time. Long-lasting results are best achieved through taking incremental steps that build positive change momentum. ChangingPoint’s Behavioural Change Cycle follows best-practice principles from psychology and behavioural science, and is designed to help you understand how people experience change.

We support sustained behavioural change that drives action at an individual, team and organisational level in areas such as:

  • Enhancing Change Leadership & Management: Setting clear direction, aligning teams and inspiring people is key to continued organisational evolution. We help organisations develop strong internal change leadership capabilities; ensuring leaders and their teams are always change-confident.
  • Facilitating Strategy Development & Implementation: A high impact organisational strategy requires constant evaluation and the flexibility to evolve with changing demands. We work closely with leadership teams to explore organisational legacy, today’s reality and the ideal future, in order to generate, articulate and engage people in a cohesive way forward.
  • Evolving Organisational Culture: Whether nurturing it, building it, or repairing it, a great work environment with strong values and behaviours will attract top talent, engage employees, and earn the respect of customers. We work closely with organisations to realise the current value and enhance the impact of their workplace culture.
  • Developing New & Existing Teams: Effective teamwork and collaboration are essential to on-going organisational development. We help teams to clarify objectives, improve communication and decision making, and build cross-functional relationships to successfully align with other departments in the delivery of great results today, and in the future.
  • Supporting Structural Change & Process Simplification: Organisational structure, policies and processes must support positive behavioural changes, rather than block them. We work with organisations to identify behavioural change barriers, reduce unnecessary complexity and increase efficiency across teams and departments.

Behavioural Change Cycle

ChangingPoint Behavioural Change Cycle Diagram

Change Leadership Model

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While the volume of organisational change initiatives continues to increase, there remains a common blocker to their eventual success: the absence of strong change leadership.

Change leadership is a proactive, people-centred approach to organisational change and development. It requires a broad set of behavioural skills that includes being visionary, innovative, sensitive to the surrounding environment and continually responsive to changing business needs. Change leaders must have the confidence and capability to influence, inspire and empower others to be part of the organisational transformation.

ChangingPoint’s Universal Change Leadership model offers a holistic perspective of what it means to be a successful change leader.

The Universal Change Leadership model has four change dimensions: Vision, Innovation, Climate and Momentum.

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The model acts as a framework within our change leadership and change management programmes to support individuals, teams and organisations in successfully navigating change. This includes ensuring that there is:

  • A clearly communicated purpose and direction for the change vision
  • Innovation and experimentation to adapt quickly in a changing world
  • A climate of collaboration and trust through change
  • Resilience and effective communication to support change progress

Change Leadership Programme Structure and Format

We work with you to define a programme structure and format that meets your specific business needs. A typical Universal Change Leadership Programme could include the following elements:

1 Leadership Team Survey

ChangingPoint’s leadership team survey uses our Universal Change Leadership model to evaluate current leadership team performance, offering a deeper discovery of collective change leadership strengths and development areas.

Each leadership team member provides numerical and written feedback on how well they believe the team is collectively leading change and demonstrating a range of change leadership behaviours.

We then facilitate a leadership team workshop to debrief and digest survey results and define collective change leadership challenges to focus on throughout the Universal Change Leadership programme.

The leadership team survey can be repeated after an agreed timeframe to measure Universal Change Leadership programme success and provide fresh insights into leadership team performance.

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2 Emotional Intelligence Assessments

ChangingPoint uses Roche Martin Emotional Capital Self Reports and 360° Feedback Reports to provide an in-depth understanding of leadership emotional intelligence across 10 competencies linked to professional performance.

Our 1:1 debrief sessions challenge leaders to apply this insight to current workplace challenges and change leadership priorities.

Leaders continue to explore practical ways to boost their emotional intelligence when leading change throughout the Universal Change Leadership programme.

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  • Self Knowing
  • Empathy
  • Self Confidence
  • Self Reliance
  • Straight-forwardness
  • Relationship Skills
  • Self Control
  • Adaptability
  • Self Actualisation
  • Optimism

3 Change Leadership Group Coaching

ChangingPoint’s change leadership group coaching supports leaders in the practical application of latest psychological and emotional intelligence research to real-world change leadership challenges.

Group coaching sessions explore each dimension of our Universal Change Leadership model.

We deliver a series of change leadership group coaching sessions over an agreed timeframe to support sustained positive behavioural change. Group coaching numbers are restricted to a maximum of 12 leaders.

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Sample Programme Structure

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Leadership & Executive Coaching

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Leadership & Executive Coaching

ChangingPoint offers targeted 1:1 leadership and executive coaching aligned to specific development needs. We use the latest psychological research to design and deliver rigorous coaching experiences that inspire leaders to open their minds to different perspectives. Universal Change Leadership Programmes can also include 1:1 leadership and executive coaching if desired.

Learn More About 1:1 Coaching

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How to get started on your
Universal Change Leadership Programme


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Complete the contact form below to register interest


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Schedule your discovery call with our programme director


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We create a bespoke proposal for you/your team


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We kick off with a pre-programme meeting

Book Your
Discovery Call

Complete the form below and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours to arrange a Discovery Call at a time that suits your schedule.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Change management and change leadership provide the frameworks that guide how we plan, implement and embed change in order to drive organisational success. These guiding principles offer individual, team and organisational level insights into the people factors that influence transformation outcomes. We can use research and expertise in change management and change leadership to provide a sense of clarity and direction during times of uncertainty, and create a more general sense of change readiness to ensure organisations are best placed to respond within an evolving world.

Change management offers an organisation facing times of evolution, upheaval and adaptation the clear policies, systems and processes needed to guide the transformation journey and effectively evolve at pace. Change leadership creates the behavioural engagement and alignment that ensures an organisation’s most valuable asset – its people – are bought into the change purpose and motivated to play their part in ensuring its success.

Transformation initiatives will have a significant influence on the way people think, behave and operate at work. Change also impacts different groups of people across the organisation in different ways. Reasons for change will be viewed in a certain way by the working group or department leading the initiative, and this viewpoint may evolve as the change is experienced by the wider team. Change management prompts organisations to recognise and respond to the different change perspectives that will arise throughout the digital transformation journey in order to overcome potential resistance and increase change readiness and adoption success.

There are many change management models available, including:
  1. ChangingPoint’s Cycle of Behavioural Change
  2. ChangingPoint’s Universal Change Leadership Framework
  3. Lewin’s Change Management Model
  4. McKinsey 7-S Model
  5. Nudge Theory
  6. The ADKAR Change Management Model
  7. Kübler-Ross Change Curve
  8. Bridges’ Transition Model
  9. Satir Change Model
  10. Kotter’s 8-Step Theory
  11. Maurer 3 Levels of Resistance and Change Model
  12. Deming Cycle (PDCA)
In general, it’s never one model alone that will hold the secret to your organisation’s transformational success, but a combination of the most relevant elements taken from a selection of approaches. Once you’ve determined the change objectives and desired outcomes, you can establish the different model components that will best serve your specific change management needs.